No. 2 Office Suites
Types of Office Applications à Word processors, Spreadsheet, DBMS, Presentation,
Publishing software, etc.
Microsoft Office Suite
Collection of Application software combined into one
Applications available are: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook
Express, One Note, Publisher, Groove, InfoPath and Microsoft Tools à Picture Manage, Clip art, etc..
Versions of Office Suiteà Office 97, 98, 2000, xp, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2018
Answer the Following
1) What is Word processor? Page No.
2) Define Word processing. Page No.
3) Define Word processing system. Page No.
4) What are the applications of Word processor/MS Word?
Page No. 9
5) List the names of ribbons tabs in Word.
Home, Insert, Design, Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View
6) List the name of commands and groups of Home ribbon.
Group Name Commands
Clipboard Cut, Copy,
Paste, Format Painter
Font Font, Font size, ………
Paragraph Bullets,
Numbering, ………
Styles list of styles
Editing Find, replace, select
7) Write the steps to do mail merge in Word. Page No. 16
8) Write the steps to Insert Table in Word. Page No. 17
9) Write the steps to insert columns in a Table in
Word Page No. 18
Textbook Exercises Answers Page No. 52
(new textbook)
Fill ups Old
textbook (Commerce Section)
1. Show Readability
Statistics 1. Show
Readability Statistics
2. Replace 2. Landscape
3. Auto correct 3. Replace
4. Mail Merge 4. Auto Correct
5. Mail merge
True or False
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
Single correct answers
1. Status
2. Toolbar
3. Upper Right
4. Size
5. Copy
Select two answers
1. A and D
2. A and B
3. A and B
4. A and D
5. A and B
select three answers
1. A, B and D
2. A, C and D
3. A,B and C
4. A, B and D
5. A,B and D
Rearrange the following
1. In Word 2007, the
procedure to "Zoom in" to get a close-up view of our document or
"Zoom Out" to see more of the page at a reduced size is _________
Ans. dcba
a. Drag the Zoom slider to left to Zoom Out till we get the desired result.
b. Drag the Zoom slider to right to Zoom In till we get the desired result.
c. In the Zoom Slider bar, Click on the slider.
d. Point to the Lower right corner of the Word document.
Ans. dcba
a. Drag the Zoom slider to left to Zoom Out till we get the desired result.
b. Drag the Zoom slider to right to Zoom In till we get the desired result.
c. In the Zoom Slider bar, Click on the slider.
d. Point to the Lower right corner of the Word document.
5. Procedure for saving
a copy of document involves __________
Ans. bdac
a. Type a new name for the document in the filename box.
b. Open the document whose copy is to be made.
c. Click on Save button.
d. Click on Save As
Ans. bdac
a. Type a new name for the document in the filename box.
b. Open the document whose copy is to be made.
c. Click on Save button.
d. Click on Save As
2. Steps for starting
with creation of new template involve _______
Ans. baced
a. Click Blank document, and then click Create.
b. Select new option from file menu.
c. Make the changes that you want to the margin settings, page size and orientation, styles, and other
d. Give the new template a file name, select Template in the Save as type list, and then click Save
e. Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Save As.
Ans. baced
a. Click Blank document, and then click Create.
b. Select new option from file menu.
c. Make the changes that you want to the margin settings, page size and orientation, styles, and other
d. Give the new template a file name, select Template in the Save as type list, and then click Save
e. Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Save As.
4. Procedure for
finding a particular text from documents _________
Ans. bcda
a. Click on Find next button.
b. Select the edit menu.
c. Select find tab to find the text.
d. In the find what text box type the text you want to find.
Ans. bcda
a. Click on Find next button.
b. Select the edit menu.
c. Select find tab to find the text.
d. In the find what text box type the text you want to find.
No. 2 Office Suites - MS Excel
1. There are 10,48,576 rows and
16,384columns in Excel 2007.
2. In excel cells are formed by rows and
3. To add the values in a selected row,
columns or cells Autofill option is used.
4. The default number of worksheets
present in a Excel file are three.
5. In excel 2007, the mathematical
expressions are referred to as Formulas.
6. A cell is formed due to the
intersection of a row and a column and it is identified by a unique address.
7. To specify date in Excel, special
symbols Forward slash and hyphen are used.
8. Line chart is used for Scientific data
9. In Excel 2007, Functions are in-built
Navigation Shortcuts
Ctrl + Home
– Takes you to the first cell in the spreadsheet.
Ctrl + End –
Takes you to the last non-empty cell in the spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Left
arrow () – Takes
you to the last column in the sheet.
Ctrl + Down
arrow – Takes you to the last row in the sheet.
Tab key –
Move to the next cell on the right.
Shift + Tab
– Move to the next cell on the left.
Page Down –
Move down one screen
Page Up –
Move up one screen.
the following:
Spreadsheet - A
spreadsheet is grid of rows and columns used to store, organize and analyze
numerical or financial data.
Worksheet - A An Excel worksheet is a single spreadsheet
that contains cells organized by rows and columns. A worksheet begins with row
number one and column A.
3) Cell - An intersection of a row and
column in a worksheet is called cell.
4) Cell
Pointer - The cell
pointer in Excel is the active cell or the selected cell and is highlighted by
a bolder rectangle. The location of the cell pointer is listed below the tool
bar to the left of the formula bar.
5) Name
box - Name box is
located above the worksheet area, which displays the cell reference or the name
of the active cell. Active cell is the cell where cell pointer is placed.
Formula bar -
Formula bar is located above the worksheet area on the right of the Name box
and displays the contents of the active cell. It can also be used for entering
or editing data and formula.
7) Cell
References – A cell
reference in a formula is the address of a cell, or the addresses of a range of
cells. It tells the program where to look for the values or data to be used in
a formula. There are two types of cell references:
Absolute Reference:
It is the cell address in the formula that is fixed. They do not change if you
copy a formula from one cell to another. It is given by preceding both column
and row number by the dollar sign($). Example- Formula =$A$1*B1, If it is copied down a column it will change
to =$A$1*B2
Relative Reference:
It automatically changes when the formula is copied to a new location. The
changed cell address will be relative to the address of the cell containing
formula. Example the formula =A1*B1 is copied down a column it will change to
the following:
1. What are functions? List some functions
and their usage.
Ans. A function in Excel is a built-in formula
that is used to perform calculations and return value of the result. Excel has
a rich collection of functions which are categorized into Financial, logical,
text, logical, date-time, lookup reference, Math-trigonometry, statistical,
engineering, cube, etc.
MAX() –
Returns the maximum value from a range of values.
MIN() –
Returns the minimum value from a range of values.
SUM() –
Returns the sum or total of a set of numbers.
Returns the average or arithmetic mean of a set of numbers.
Raises a number to a specified power.
SQRT() –
Returns the square root of a positive number.
NOW() –
Returns the system date and time or the serial number of the date and time.
DATE() –
Returns the date after inputting year, month, day.
DAY() –
Returns the day of a date as an integer ranging from 1 to 31.
IF() –
Evaluates a condition, if true returns the second argument and for false
returns the third argument.
Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
2. List the parts of Excel 2007 window
Ans. Title
bar, Tabs and Ribbons, Office button, Quick Access toolbar, Worksheet area,
Formula bar, Name box, Scroll bars, Split bar, View buttons, Zoom Slider,
Status bar, etc.
3. Give the advantages of Spreadsheet.
advantages of spreadsheet are as follows:
a) All the calculations can be done by
using formulae and which automatically recalculates every time the data is changed.
b) It provides handy tools for analyzing
the data and can be represented in the form of graphs and charts.
c) A spreadsheet program has a large
collection of in-built functions for doing calculations.
d) An electronic spreadsheet has the
obvious advantages of processing speed and storage capacity of a computer.
4. Write a note on Graph or Chart.
A graph or
chart is a graphical presentation of data. A chart is visually appealing and
makes it easy for users to see comparison, patterns and trends in data. In
Excel 2007 there are 11 categories of charts: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY
Scatter, Stock, Surface, Doughnut, Bubble and Radar. For data arranged in
columns and rows can be plotted in Column, line, bar, area, XY scatter, etc.
type of charts. Data that is arranged in one column or row only on a worksheet
can be plotted in a Pie chart. Excel provides variety of chart tools for
formatting the chart.
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